Radiographic demonstration of the azygos venous system after injection of contrast medium.
[azygos + G. gramma, a writing]
Radiographic demonstration of the azygos venous system after injection of contrast medium.
[azygos + G. gramma, a writing]
the region below the azygos vein arch in which the right lung intrudes into the mediastinum between the heart and vertebral column, bordered on the left by the esophagus.
A condition in which the blood contains cells having azurophil granulations.
a granule that stains a reddish purple color with an azure dye; such granule’s are seen in dry smears of certain mature and developing blood cells, and are membrane-bound primary lysosomes containing enzymes. Syn: kappa granule.
Staining readily with an azure dye, denoting especially the hyperchromatin and reddish purple granules of certain blood cells.
[azure + G. philos, fond]
A complex of azure A and carbacrylic resin; used as an indicator for the detection of gastric achlorhydria without intubation. Syn: quinine carbacrylic resin.
A term for a group of basic blue methylthionine or phenothiazine dyes; used as biological stains, especially in blood and nuclear stains.
azure A
azure B
azure C
azure I
azure II
bluish nonblanching discoloration of the lunulae of all the fingernails in hepatolenticular degeneration.
a mixture of azure I and methylene blue; the eosinate, azure II-eosin, is the principal ingredient of Giemsa stain.
a mixture of azure A and B. Syn: methylene azure.