arthritis, pl. arthritides

Inflammation of a joint or a state characterized by inflammation of joints. Syn: articular rheumatism.


[G. fr. arthron, joint, + -itis, inflammation]

acute rheumatic arthritis

atrophic arthritis

chlamydial arthritis

chronic absorptive arthritis

chylous arthritis

arthritis deformans

degenerative arthritis

enteropathic arthritis

filarial arthritis

gonococcal arthritis

gonorrheal arthritis

gouty arthritis

hemophilic arthritis

hypertrophic arthritis

Jaccoud’s arthritis

juvenile arthritis

juvenile chronic arthritis

Lyme arthritis

arthritis mutilans

neonatal arthritis of foals

neuropathic arthritis

arthritis nodosa

ochronotic arthritis

proliferative arthritis

psoriatic arthritis

pyogenic arthritis

rheumatoid arthritis

suppurative arthritis