Any structure resembling a bent bow or an arch; an arc. In anatomy, any vaulted or archlike structure. See: arcus. Syn: arcus [NA].
[thru O. Fr. fr. L. arcus, bow]
abdominothoracic arch
alveolar arch of mandible
alveolar arch of maxilla
anterior arch of atlas
anterior palatine arch
arch of the aorta
aortic arch
aortic arches
arterial arches of colon
arterial arches of ileum
arterial arches of jejunum
arterial arch of lower eyelid
arterial arch of upper eyelid
axillary arch
branchial arches
carpal arches
coracoacromial arch
cortical arches of kidney
Corti’s arch
costal arch
arch of cricoid cartilage
crural arch
deep crural arch
deep palmar (arterial) arch
deep palmar venous arch
dental arch
dorsal venous arch of foot
double aortic arch
expansion arch
fallen arches
fallopian arch
femoral arch
arches of the foot
glossopalatine arch
Gothic arch
Haller’s arches
hemal arches
hyoid arch
iliopectineal arch
inferior dental arch
jugular venous arch
labial arch
Langer’s arch
lateral longitudinal arch of foot
lateral lumbocostal arch
lingual arch
longitudinal arch of foot
malar arch
mandibular arch
medial longitudinal arch of foot
medial lumbocostal arch
nasal arch
nasal venous arch
neural arch
arch of the palate
palatoglossal arch
palatopharyngeal arch
pharyngeal arches
pharyngopalatine arch
plantar arch
plantar arterial arch
plantar venous arch
popliteal arch
posterior arch of atlas
posterior palatine arch
postoral arches
primitive costal arches
pubic arch
ribbon arch
superciliary arch
superficial palmar (arterial) arch
superficial palmar venous arch
superior dental arch
supraorbital arch
tarsal arch
tendinous arch
tendinous arch of levator ani muscle
tendinous arch of pelvic fascia
tendinous arch of soleus muscle
arch of thoracic duct
transverse arch of foot
Treitz’s arch
vertebral arch
visceral arches
wire arch
zygomatic arch